Blog post

Why It All Matters

Richard Myerson

How often do you wish you’d answered something a little differently? In my case, at a recent professional network meeting, I wish I had talked about Joe and his wife Jess. “Your Biggest Professional Accomplishment” was the topic for general conversation at that meeting. This discussion provides not only a great way to learn what people do professionally, but also allows you to get to know them on some personal level as well. With that in mind, rather than speak about a single incident, I chose to talk about building my practice, and specifically how I’ve managed to intertwine my passion (for cooking and entertaining) into my profession—something I’m not only proud of, but find incredibly rewarding.

We progressed around the room and eventually got to a gentleman (and having spoken to him at length post the meeting, I mean that sincerely) who is best described as my competitor. He, too, refrained from any one particular incident, and instead, eloquently talked about what we do on a day-to-day basis; the small wins we have each and every day to make sure our clients are properly protected in the event of illness, disability, death, creditors, and even Uncle Sam. He talked about how none of us ever wants to deliver a premature death claim, or have a client on disability, but if we do, how we’re able to console a survivor by letting him or her know they’ll be okay, keeping the roof over the heads of a family with the income-earner on disability. Boy, was I mad at myself for not saying that first. Why didn’t I talk about that stuff, and specifically why didn’t I reference Joe and Jess?

About two months ago I was at my desk and my assistant told me Jess was on the phone. I’d been thinking of them recently, and as I picked up the phone I told her exactly that. “Richard,” she said, “Joe and I think of you when we wake up every morning!” I was speechless and beyond touched, but I understood what she meant and where she was coming from, and knew then how blessed I am to be doing what I do professionally. You see, about ten years ago, Joe suffered a severe disability, which prohibited him from returning to his business. His buy-sell agreement with his partner was triggered and his income ceased. However, we had protected Joe with the maximum available amount of both personal disability income coverage and disability buy-out coverage to fund his buy-sell plan. Joe and Jess have continued living their lives in relative comfort, and while Joe cannot again work at the Company he helped start, he has found amazing peace and solace in many other activities.

And as always: Eat Well, Drink Well, Live Well!

June 30, 2016

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